Saturday, July 26, 2014

Permian Basin Marijuana Law Reform Group

On what felt like the first real day of a Texas summer after experiencing a July of highs in the 80s, people from all around Midland and Ector counties gathered at Homemade Wines in Odessa for something that’s never been heard of before in the area, a meeting of people to begin forming a marijuana law reform advocacy group.
Organized by Lydia Decker, a resident of Odessa, the event drew nearly 40 people in what some consider to be a very conservative area.
It also attracted the attention of two local news outlets, including CBS 7 and NewsWest 9. The group was featured on the evening news. 
The first speaker of the day was Midland County Libertarian Party Chairman Kenneth Holmes, who gave a full rundown on the drug war and its origins.
Texas Cannabis Report’s Editor-in-Chief Stephen Carter, was next and provided a presentation on the political climate in Texas including marijuana-related bills being considered and what a successful war on drugs would look like.
Ector County Libertarian Party Chairman Ben Farmer, spoke next talking about the need for local political activism. Decker talked throughout the meeting between speakers, laying the initial foundation for organizing street teams to begin getting the word out about the newly proposed non-profit Permian Basin Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Decker wants to have people out on the streets waving signs and handing out information about marijuana to people who live in west Texas. While she’s looking for full legalization, she also wants to talk about the medical benefits of cannabis as well.
She often quotes Genesis 1:29 and while there are many translations, the scripture largely reads, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”
“We basically use that as a platform, the scripture reveals that for us, God meant for it to be eaten, or ingested as in the edibles and Oils.’ Decker stated. “That the “healing” is from within. The smoke inhaled, also goes “within.” Man made Whiskey, God made pot, who do you trust?”
Decker wants to make clear that this organization is not just about people in Odessa or Midland, but the entire surrounding areas, and she wants to bring everyone together to reform marijuana laws for the better in Texas.
In order to get the newly proposed chapter up and running, the group needs five board members before filing with the State of Texas. Once that happens, the group can begin accepting members and donations, and begin fully organizing local events.
Those interested in finding out more about the organization can visit their website and Facebook page.

By: Stephen Carter
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