Sunday, December 14, 2014

Seeking Secret Santa's for 2 Families & 8 Children


SEEKING SECRET SANTA'S to bring some Christmas Cheer! Would You like to help bring some Christmas Blessings into the Lives of 2 Families and 8 Children? We have 2 Families that are raising their grandchildren and are in Need of Blessings this Season! A small helping hand on their Unit Rental or gifts for the children would be a True Blessing this Christmas to each of them. If you would like to make a payment or would like to have more information on the Children's Clothing/Shoe Sizes, please give us a call:
432-362-2387 Park Inn Storage


Monday, December 8, 2014

Genesis 1:29 Joins Forces with Stand For Freedom Permian Basin Group

We recently joined forces with Stand for Freedom Permian Basin last night at the Christmas Parade in Odessa, Texas
Showing Support to Protect Your Freedoms of Life, Liberty & Justice For All in a Peaceful Gathering is Not Unlawful. We joined together to bring awareness to the Community that Our Constitutional Rights are being suppressed and taken away from us. The Rights given to us by our forefathers outlined in the Bill Of Rights are one by one being changed, reworded and all together made now "illegal" for us. Our Country is quickly becoming a growing Police State, that is to say that the government is writing it's own rules now. Rules against Our Unalienable Rights (Definition: unalienable. What's unalienable cannot be taken away or denied. Its most famous use is in the Declaration of Independence, which says people have unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.)
The Right to Choose Freedom in our Health Care, Treating with a Natural Plant instead of being Forced to adhere to Big Pharma's Poisons that Kill people each and every day. These are All Freedoms that are being taken away from us so that our government has "All the Control over us". We are Not Afraid to Stand Up and Speak Out that this is Wrong and Can Not Be! If We Do Not Speak Out, Nothing will Change! We Stand for Change, We Stand for Freedom and keeping those Rights that were Given to us. No Where did it say "you have these rights until we decide to change our minds and change the rules".... What Will You Do to Save Your Rights? Won't you join us?