Monday, March 30, 2015

Another Great Video on Making Your Own Cannabis Oil

Another great Video on Making Your Own Cannabis Oil.

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, March 30, 2015

Curing Your Cancer, the Dosage of Cannabis Oil needed ~ Rick Simpson

It Does Cure Cancer, Testimonies are alive to Prove it!Offer Hope for Landon, Little Landon is now 100% Cancer FREE!Plus there are many, many others.

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, March 30, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cannabis Is Medicine: 10 Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Nature's Amazing Healing! Stop being afraid of a Plant that Saves Lives! God Made NO Mistake! Where does Your Faith stand? Big Pharma Kills, Cannabis Heals! Proven, Truth

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Saturday, March 28, 2015

Treating Kids & The Elderly with Cannabis in Israel

Great Short Video, Please Watch and Share!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Saturday, March 28, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Local DEA sees surge in Illegal Medical Marijuana Trade

When You Support Prohibition, You Support the Cartels and the Need for a Black Market! #EndProhibition #EndTheDrugWar

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, March 27, 2015

Everything You ever wanted to know about Medical Marijuana, but were too afraid to ask

You can't argue with Science! It's Simple!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, March 27, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't Hate on the THC, here's why:

Don't Hate on the's why!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Anyone Up for Yoga?

Anyone up for Yoga?

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer!

How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Marijuana Treats Addiction!

Marijuana Treats Addiction

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Consume Responsibly!

Consume Responsibly!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cannabis Infused in Coconut Oil

Cannabis Infused in Coconut Oil

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meet the Director of Genesis 1:29 , Lydia Decker

Diagnosed with COPD in December of 2014, Activist and Fighting for Legal Access to Be a Patient in Texas, my Home State. It is Barbaric that Anyone should have to feel they have to "MOVE" to another State to get Medical Help. As an Activist I have encountered so many people that don't understand anything about this plant, but the "illegal" part. Knowledge is Power! We are Sharing the Education about the True Benefits of Cannabis, the Marijuana Plant. Scientific Findings, Doctor Reports, Patient Testimonials from around the Country and Up to Date Legislation and Policies along with Articles and Videos. You will Find all of this and More on our Website and Facebook Page.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

22 Days Seizure and Symptom FREE! Cannabis Oil Works!

Think we should Still Say No to Medical Marijuana?

Dr. Grinspoon, Harvard University

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Colorado Releases ALL Marijuana Prisoner's and Wipes Their Records of Charges!

CNN's Dr. Sanja Gupta, Marijuana and the Brain

ABC's 20/20 Medical Marijuana for Children

Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis

Cannabis Protects the Brain from Injury

David Bass, Retired Army Veteran and Veteran's Outreach Coordinator for Texas NORML

Watch what happens when a Cancer Cell is injected with Cannabis (Marijuana) - Mind Blowing!!

Cannabis is In the Bible, Check it out!

Texas Sheriff's Association wants to keep Medical Marijuana Illegal in our State!

Come Join Us at the Patient Lobby Day in Austin TX - Wednesday, March 25th is Rolling with Team Alexis to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Texas!

Our Government Supports Prohibition & Supports the Black Markets and Cartels!

Check out What Cannabis Can Do for Alzheimer's Disease!

Greg Abbott Does Not Support Medical Marijuana, Join Us in Internet Protest

Making Peace with Cannabis

The Surprising Story of Medical Marijuana

One Medicine for 10 Problems, Not 10 Medicines for 1 Problem

Every Single Medication that You Get From the Pharmacy, Big Pharma, Has Side Effects (it causes another illness). Yet You can take Cannabis (Marijuana) and it Doesn't Cause You Any More Illnesses but Heals what You are Treating? 100% Safely

Can't be said any clearer than this!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fighting the Good Fight in West Texas to Legalize a Plant that Can Save Our Lives!


ODESSA -- Currently, 23 states and the District of Columbia have implemented laws legalizing marijuana in some form. Texas native Lydia Decker, 47, has been fighting lawmakers to add the Lone Star State to the list since 2010.
“When you're ill and you know that these medicines don't work and they make you sick,” Decker said, “what choice do you have?”

In December of 2014, Decker began fighting her own life. She was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a type of lung disease that gradually worsens over time.  She has been using cannabis oil as a form of treatment, and she told KAMC News the results have been very positive. 

“I don't want to be strapped to a hose. I don't want to have to carry a machine around with me to breath, and I don't want to take medicines that will make me feel sick,” Decker said. “I just really believe that in just a couple more months that this will completely be gone.”

“The science is still developing on medical marijuana,” said State Senator Charles Perry of Lubbock. “There are examples of success and examples of failures—it seems to depend on the individual in treatment.”

Decker said, in her case, because she has began using cannabis oil, she no longer has to rely on her oxygen tank 24 hours a day or rely on medications that make her feel sick.

Currently, cannabis oil, like other marijuana products, is illegal in Texas, but Decker hopes that her success will encourage lawmakers in Austin to consider legalization. 
Senator Perry said he is doubtful that the debate will reach Austin anytime soon. 

“The medical debate continues to be discussed but politically the time has not arrived,” Perry said. “I hope that any medical benefit can be scientifically perfected to remove all addictive elements and all the other undesirable problems associated with this issue for future debate to be had.”

After watching her family and friends lose their battle with various illnesses, Decker founded the website, to educate the community on why she believes marijuana should be legalized in Texas.

“Over the years we've had family members die of bone cancer and pancreatic cancer and all of these illnesses that could have been very well helped if it would have just been legal,” Decker said.

“When I was diagnosed I thought, 'You know, well now I'm not only fighting this and fighting for the legal use of it for everybody else that needs it,'” Decker said. “But I'm also fighting as a patient.”

Decker has lived in Texas her entire life. Recently, she moved to Odessa with her husband. 

Twenty four states now are legal to use this as a medicine, and we don't feel that we should have to move from the state of Texas, that where we live and where we work, to be able to get medical help,” Decker said.