Saturday, August 31, 2019

New Mexico Now Opens their Medical Program to Texans! Let's Hope This Rings True!!

Just 80 Miles from Medical Freedom.
Freedom to choose a Natural Medicine, Have Safe Access as well as a Qualified Doctor's Recommendation to Use it for my Illness and Quality of Life.
Myself, like many others living inside the State Line's of Texas face
this struggle daily. Day after Day, after Day.
Knowing that our own Law Enforcement and Local Government would rather
us be sickened on Dangerous Pharmaceuticals instead of using a Natural Plant that is
Known for so much healing. It's Legal as a Medicine in EVERY State that Surrounds Us.
Yet we are labeled Criminal & Locked Up if we should be caught with it??
Locked UP, for Trying to Get Well??
Locked UP because we chose not to be Sickened & Disabled by Big Pharma's poisons?
It's Clear that Texas has NO Compassion when it comes to their Citizen's Health.
Let's hope that this new ruling doesn't also come with kickback from
Texas Authorities.
If we have a Legal Medical Card, By a Doctor's Recommendation
we should NOT be Harassed and threatened with Police Action if we are stopped on the Texas
side of the State Line.
This has yet to be seen.
Texan's Drive Safely! ~ God Bless!~