Sunday, November 29, 2015

Squash that Reefer Madness that says "Marijuana Causes Significant Brain Damage" - How Absurd!

Good Grief, Reefer Madness gone wild! When Reports from other Scientists say it's good for the brain, it repairs!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 29, 2015

All the data needed for an informed decision on cannabis legalization has already been collected and can be found at the CDC web site.

Figures directly from the CDC dot gov web site
Numbers of deaths per year in the USA
* Prescription Drugs: 237,485 + 5000 traffic fatalities
* Tobacco: 390,323
* Alcohol: 88,013 + 16,000 traffic fatalities
* Cocaine: 4,906
* Heroin: 7,200
* Aspirin: 466
* Acetaminophen (Tylenol): 179
* Marijuana: 0, none, not a single fatal overdose in all medical history and almost no traffic problems.

So, which is safer????

Legalize it, regulate it, TAX it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Our Human Rights To Heal are being Controlled by Our Government Officials!


Our Human Rights to Heal in Texas are determined by those that We Put in Office!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cancer HAS a CURE! But in Texas Our Politicians Hold the Key to Us being able to Access it!


Cancer HAS a CURE! In Texas our Politicians hold the Key to Our being able to Access it!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

60 Religious Clergy are Stepping Forward in Support of Legalizing Medical Marijuana to stop people's Suffering.

60+ Religious Clergy are Stepping forward in Support of Legalizing Medical Marijuana. Stop the people's Suffering!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

How Much Money is Really Wasted on the War on Drugs?

Lots of Money has been Wasted on the War On Drugs. A War we will Never Win! Quit throwing away the Money & End it!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Christians and Cannabis

If we really strived to be more like our Creator, we would focus more on healing our neighbors and less on judging them. -tm#marijuana #cannabis #cbdoil #healTHCare #gen129
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Big Pharma Creates Customers, Not Cures!

Big Pharma Creates Customers, Not Cures!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Marijuana Tea

High Tea...... Simple and a Very Few ingredients.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Anyone Looking to Cure Your Own Cancer can Do This!

Anyone Looking to Cure Your Own Cancer, you Can do this! ...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Former NFL Players are Supporting Medical Cannabis for Players

Former NFL Players are Supporting Medical Cannabis for Players Organic Treatment of Illnesses and Injuries.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, November 9, 2015

Marijuana can Reduce Brain Damage caused by Strokes!

Marijuana can Reduce Brain Damage caused by Strokes.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, November 9, 2015

FBI, America is Arresting One Marijuana User a Minute.

America is Arresting One Marijuana User Every Minute. End this War on Drugs & End Prohibition! No Crime for a Plant!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, November 9, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

5 Reasons You should Stop Smoking it and Start Juicing it! Green, It Does a Body Good!

GREEN, It Does a Body Good!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, November 3, 2015

End Prohibition!! Cannabis Could Save Our Planet!

Precious Children, This is Why We Fight for Legalization!!

This is Why we Fight to Legalize Whole Plant Medicine in Texas! Cannabis is Amazing! It's Saving Lives!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Drugged into Oblivion.....60% of Americans are on Prescription Drugs

Over 60% of Americans are on Prescription Drugs......Way Over Medicated!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Medical Marijuana Vs. Prescription Painkillers, Hands down, Cannabis Wins!

Medical Marijuana Vs. Prescription Painkillers, Hands down, Cannabis Wins!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary 2015

The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary 2015
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mexico Citizens say "Weed Yes, War No"!

"When the court decision was announced on Wednesday, activists outside broke into a chant of “mota si, guerra no,” or “...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Study Finds that Marijuana Dispensaries are saving Lives!

It's not just about legalization, it's about access. -tm"It seems the dispensary issue is an important one because, in...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

What do You Really Know about Medical Marijuana Oil?

Medical Marijuana Oil is the Simplest to take and to make. Our Government has known for Years that it Treats So Many...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, November 2, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Save a Marine from Unjust Law in Texas!

Action for Alex
by Karen Reeves, Founder of Centex Community Outreach

Last Jan 2014 my son returned home from becoming a Marine. He was gone over a year. We were in the process of moving and we don't have a car so he called a guy from HS to give him a ride back to our old place. In the process they were pulled over for a traffic violation. Unknown to my son the guy was carrying cannabis in the trunk of the car. He was at the wrong place , wrong time. The cops searched him and found a gram in his cigarette pack and assumed he was involved in trafficking and distributing of the cannabis that was in the vehicle. The cops weighed all the contents including 10 mason jars , scales, and other paraphernalia together. Total weight 8lbs. Making it a 2nd degree felony. This to me is unjust and unfair. How can this be happening to my son. Oh wait it's Texas. I'm devastated and heart broken. My son's Marine career is OVER. His life is at a stand still. He's only 23yrs old. We are lucky my parents are helping with legal fees. The felony charge holds a 2-20yr prison term if convicted. His first court appearance is Oct 23rd, 2014 at the Mclennan County Court House in Waco, Tx. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as this case proceeds. We will fight this charge with all we have to fight with. This has to stop!! Turning a Marine into a criminal because of a plant is INSANE.........If we had the proper Laws or Decrim this guy wouldn't have been carrying around Cannabis in his car for sale, There'd be in a safe medical/recreational environment with restrictions on who and where you can sell or buy Cannabis Please folks contact your representatives.. Practice Jury Nullification.. Please for the sake of our children's future.

ACTIONS FOR ALEX.. please notify your representatives you want to END THE WAR ON CANNABIS !

Because of law changes in 1997, Texas must change all drug laws at the state level and through the legislative process. Therefore, we are reliant on our elected state officials who only meet for a 140 day session every two years.

Please, join us on Facebook: CenTex Community Outreach

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Daily Use of Marijuana is Safe and Effective for Chronic Pain

Daily Marijuana Use for Chronic Pain is Safe and Effective.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cannabis Can Combat Alzheimer's Disease

Cannabis combats Alzheimer's Disease!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oregon's First Week of Recreational Pot Sales brings in a Revenue of $11 Million Dollars!

Oregon's First Week of Recreational Pot Sales top $11 Million!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Prayers for South Carolina!

Please Share & Give to those Who Do the Most! Salvation Army & the Red Cross


Prayers for South Carolina! Please Share & Give to Those Who Do the Most. Salvation Army & Red Cross

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

5 Popular but Harmful Drugs that can be Replaced with Cannabis

5 Popular, but harmful drugs that can be replaced with Marijuana.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

Vitamin Weed! How Everyone Can Benefit from a Daily Dose of Cannabis!

Vitamin Weed, How Everyone Can Benefit from Daily Cannabis Oil.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

80 Incredibly Healthy Herbs You can Legall Grow at Home!

80 Incredibly Healthy & Healing Herbs you can grow Legally.Cannabis Heals over 700 illnesses, but we can't grow it?
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

Guide to Using or Consuming Medical Cannabis

5 Methods of Medical Cannabis Consumption. There is No Wrong Way to get your Medicine. Just Preferences.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

Marijuana: Facts About Cannabis

Marijuana, Facts about Cannabis....The Science will tell You!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

Cannabis Reduces Tumor Growth, Study Shows

We do not need to find the cure, we need to #legalize it. This October, remind your friends to get a mammogram and then...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, October 5, 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015

To Everyone who Doesn't believe in the Benefits of Cannabis/Marijuana, Listen Up!

The Facts are Clear and they are Important!

Cannabis is NOT a Drug, it is Genetically Classified as a Vegetable. Look it Up!

Cannabis DOES NOT CAUSE and Will NEVER BE the CAUSE OF DEATH! Period! Nothing Ever Recorded in History! No Death Certificate You will Ever Read, will EVER Say Cause of Death Cannabis/Marijuana/THC or any compound thereof!

It's Been Scientifically Proven to be 100% Safe as well as NonToxic!

That being Said, it's Also Safer than Aspirin and Any Prescription Drug, Safer Than Beer or Any Alcohol that is "Legal" out there on the Market, Safer Also than Even WATER!  "Why" you say? Because Even Drinking TOO Much Water Can KILL You!

Now, Our State Representatives and All the Candidates that Are Running for President.....Let's talk about that... Why Keep Cannabis Illegal when It is So Safe? Why Keep it Illegal when it's Curing So Many Illnesses AS WELL as Curing Many Cancers?? It's All two ways about it!  Greed, Lobbyist and Foundations that give Donations, Bonuses, special Favors toward their Campaigns and Time in Office.

Tell me now, How does this Sound like they are FOR the Citizens and what's Best for US at all? Shouldn't Our Health and Our Families Health and Healthcare Come First?  A Safe, Natural Plant, Organically Grown, Just like our Vegetables in our Own Gardens....Should that NOT be Available to Us to Use and Eat in our Daily Diets? Our Children, those that are Supposed to be our Future.....if we Can't Provide them the Healthiest Life, then Why worry about a Future for Them? !! 

It's Time for Everyone to Face the Truth, See the Facts, Listen to the Scientist and Doctors who ARE Doing the Best Things for us!

Get Educated, It's Free, It's Easy, Same as reading anything else on the internet that you are interested different......

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The FDA.....the folks that Approve All these Dangerous Drugs

The FDA....let's see..that's the guys that "Approve" all these Poisons!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Amazing Results are Happening in Children with Medical Marijuana!

Children are Living, Thriving and Growing Thanks to Cannabis!!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cannabis, Useful in the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy

Cannabis, Useful in the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, July 29, 2015

D.A.R.E Comes out in Support of Legalization??

Yay!! DARE Comes out in Support of Marijuana!! Finally, Let's Get to the REAL Truth about this Plant!! It's 100% Safe,...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sadly, Texas Had No Compassion to Heal 11 Yr Old Brody Strother ~ RIP little guy!

Sadly, Little Brody lost his Fight today. They weren't able to get him to Colorado in time. Texas has made another...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, July 31, 2015

The Fight for 11 Year Old from Nederland, TX - Brody Strother

Cannabis OIL Can Save This Child's Life! Quit wasting time raising money for treatment here in Texas! Raise Money to Get...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, July 31, 2015

COPD Sux, Please Stop Smoking Right Now! Today, NO Excuses!

COPD Sux, so, to all of my Friends and Family, If You are a Smoker, Please Stop NOW! Dr. says all this damage is from...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, August 2, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Get Legal Access Information in Any State, Right from this Site!

Looking for a great site to get information on Legal States:

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We Can Bring These Children Back Home!!

We Can Bring This Little Girl Home!! We've got to Stand Up, Speak Out and Work Together, are You Ready?!
All It Takes on Your Part, is a Simple matter of Sharing Information about the Benefits and the TRUTH, Scientific Findings and Doctors Reports and Most Importantly the Testimonials about These Patients now Thriving and Living Life Because of this Plant! Tell your Family, Tell Your Neighbor, Tell Your Coworker..... it's that simple. In Texas, we've got to Educate our Community because We are the ONLY Ones who can Stand and Make a Difference!
Find a Local Support group in your area...even if it's just online on facebook. Join them, get the education and Let's get this thing in Gear for the Next Session in 2017.
We Will Make Our Voices Be Heard! Bet On It! 

#TeamAlexis - We Can Bring This Little Girl Home!! We've got to Stand Up, Speak Out and Work Together, are You Ready?!...

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, May 29, 2015

Top 5 Reasons to End Marijuana Prohibition

Very Educational Video!! Please Share!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, May 29, 2015

DEA Admits Zero Deaths Ever Recorded for Marijuana

Well looky here....Even the DEA reports that there have Never been Any Deaths reported from Marijuana Overdoses! How about that!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, May 28, 2015

Laughter Really IS The Best Medicine!

LOL!!!!!! Grandma is Soooo Funny!!!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cannabis Research Studies 2015 - Medical Marijuana Documentary

Cannabis Research Studies 2015 - Marijuana Documentary

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Talk To Your Family about Medical Marijuana

Talk to Your Family about Medical Marijuana.

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What IS Cannabis Oil, Shatter and Wax?

Are You THC Deficient?

Weed Documentaries - 1, 2 & 3

Marijuana, Pros & Cons - Scientific Research and Expert Opinions on Medical Cannabis

Scientific Research and Expert Opinions on Medical Cannabis.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, May 6, 2015

TEXAS is Taking Big Steps Toward Legalization!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Condemned For Illegally Healing, Son is Ripped from her, Please Help Shona Banda in Her Legal Fight!

Condemned For Illegally Healing, Harassed and Her Child Stripped from Her because He Told the Truth about Cannabis to His Class at School, My Friend, Shona Banda is a Cannabis Patient who Treats and has Controlled her Illness with a Natural, Safe Medicine that is Now Legal in 24 States! If YOU Don't Believe In a Law, and YOU Believe it Should be Changed, Would YOU Stand UP and Speak Out? Please, Help us to Help Shona in Her Legal Fight & Share so that Others may do the Same!

Kansas is taking this mom's kid away because he talked about medical marijuana at schoolLook for more weed stories this week with #NTweedweek

Posted by NowThis on Monday, April 20, 2015

Shout out to All of the Great Testimonies at the Capitol Tuesday, April 28th 2015

Wow, such great testimonies yesterday at our Capitol about the Medical Marijuana Bills. I think Everyone who was listening in Cried. I know I did. Such Heartbreaking Stories from Parents with Children and Adults that are Suffering so badly, taking tons of Prescription medicines and still suffering with Illnesses that are Not any better. Stories of those that have Moved to Legal States and are now Off of All their Prescription Drugs and Thriving with their Illnesses now, What Joy those responses brought. As they came forward and told their stories to the House Committee, I Pray that not a Word fell on Deaf Ears!
Texas, You've Got to Vote on the Side of Compassion and Take Care of Your People! The Children that are OUR Future, the Vets that Stood Up to Protect US, the Citizens who Suffer needlessly with horrible debilitating and Terminal Illnesses, you've got to have Compassion and pass these Bills!
I heard such responses as "but it's not approved by the FDA"....or even silly comments like, just because it worked on "mice" doesn't make it safe for "man".... That's CRAP! Look how many Lawsuits/Deaths came from FDA Approved Drugs, Look at the 24 States that ARE Healing "Real Humans". That's nothing but Uneducated Excuses!! Like I said, so many great testimonies, I Pray that Everyone had Open Ears to really Hear them!

4/28- Public Health Committee Hearing On Medical Cannabis for Texas - Austin,TX

Public health committee complete Medical Cannabis 4/28/2015. Texas Sheriff's after being booed by the parents while...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In God We Trust?

Cannabis IS Medicine! Please, Educate Yourselves!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Marijuana Backed by More Studies than Most FDA Approved Drugs

Absolutely!! You'll Never Find a Recall or Death Caused From This Plant!Still thinking that Your Big Pharmacy Meds are Tops??
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

Alcohol Kills 1 Person Every 10 Seconds

SAVING LIVES & HEALING PEOPLE~ Texas, This is FAR More Important than squabbling over Keeping your Corrupt LAW on the...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

Marijuana Business Incubator Launches in Texas!

SAVING LIVES & HEALING PEOPLE~ Texas, This is FAR More Important than squabbling over Keeping your Corrupt LAW on the...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

Cannabis and ALS

How about that!! The Doctors said at age 41 she was supposed to be Dead. Now at age 63 she gets a letter from the...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

These 5 Facts may Shock You!

The Biggest Hurdle that we face is Showing People the Facts!The Facts that Cannabis IS Medicine, it's Proven, It's...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

My Personal Interview with KAMC out of Lubbock TX

Ok, Here's the Deal, YES I do Care that I am Breaking the Law. I DO NOT Believe that I Should have to Take On Additional...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 27, 2015

20 Common Prescription Drugs that Cause Memory Loss

Say NO to HB 892

SAY NO TO Texas HB 892!!! Why do we willingly accept divisiveness with the introduction of these kinds of laws?22...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Saturday, April 25, 2015

Texas Medical Cannabis Hearing in Austin, TX - 4/28/2015 at 8am

#Austin #EndProhibition Tuesday, April 28th at 8am - Come Join them at the Hearing for Whole Plant, CBD Only and Affirmative Defense! LET'S GET THIS DONE TEXAS!!!THIS YEAR!!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 24, 2015

Amarillo Cannabis Culture, Come Join them!

Come Join us at Amarillo Cannabis Culture & Let's Help spread the Word about Legalization in Texas!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 24, 2015

Barriers to Researching Medical Marijuana

But, There's Not enough Research you say.......
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 24, 2015

Solid Medical Facts!

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 24, 2015

Time's Are Changing! Let's Stop the Stigma!!

Times Are Changing! It's Time to Get Over the Stigma!If You are Against it, Watch this!! You don't know, until you...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 24, 2015

The VA Blocks Veteran's on Pain Killers from Using Medicinal Marijuana

Veteran Michael Sorensen complains that vets being treated at the Los Angeles VA "have to run around ... trying not to...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Thursday, April 23, 2015

Little Sophia's Fight in the Drug War!

Here's just one of the countless stories of families affected by the Drug War. Nobody should have to forego treatment...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Texas Republican Grandma who wants to Legalize Weed! What a Firecracker!

Doctor's and Their Responsibility in the Fight for Legalization!

Mainstream Marijuana and the "Gupta Effect"

ABC 7 Extra- Great Interview, Just Watch and Listen!

Truth in Media- Cannabis IS Medicine

HYPOCRITES? Just watch.
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Proof that Big Pharma is Corrupt and Profits Come Before Patients!

Now, ABOUT the FDA's Involvement! This Found in the Article Below that David H Shared.....Journal Of Law, Medicine &...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Sunday, April 19, 2015

Meet Our Member of the Day! Kevin Brunty

Shout out to Our Monday, Member of the Day!! =) Thanks for Your Support Kevin!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 20, 2015

Cannabis Linked to Cure for Crohn's Disease

And There Ya Go, A CURE for Crohn's Disease! Still Think that Cannabis Should be Illegal??
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 20, 2015

WEED 3- On CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta

LEGALIZE IT ~ By Peter Tosh


It's 2015, In 24 States this Medicine is Legal to Use if you have an Illness that You Want to Heal with a Natural...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Monday, April 20, 2015

HAPPY 420!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to Make Cannabutter to Cook with & Pot Brownies

Now, Let's Get to the Brownies!! Wanna Know How Easy they are?
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Marijuana Milk & Cannabis Coffee/ Cocoa

Yes, There Are Law Enforcement Against Prohibition....Check it out!

There Are Law Enforcement Officials that Want to End Prohibition.....Check it out!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weed 3 with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN, Airs 4/19

Weed 3, with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Airs April 19th!
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Saturday, April 11, 2015

International Hemp Day, 4/21

Don't forget to celebrate the most useful plant on Earth on 4/21 INTERNATIONAL HEMP DAY!! #thcint #IndustrialHemp...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Discovery of Pot

Beginner's Guide to the Endocannabinoid System

Everyone Has an Endocannabinoid System and Here is How and Why Cannabis works So Well to Balance out our Bodies for...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spencer Koptis, Age 3, Killed by the Drug War

Enough Is Enough! Children are Dying because our Government wants to Take away the One Medicine that is being Proven to...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Just Say NO to CBD Only Legislation! Dr. Sanjay Gupta Explains the "Entourage Effect".

"JUST SAY KNOW" to understanding how cannabinoids work together! The Entourage Effect is NECESSARY in order for the...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Academy of Pediatrics Supports Medical Marijuana

Click Here to Read Article

Coming Out Green~ Will You?

You want to get rid of stereotypes and stigma? You need to be #ComingOutGreen "In order to finally put old stereotypes...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Major Hypocrisy, Government Has to Admit that Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells!

TRUTH Doesn't Change!!Wow, imagine that. Our Government Now has to ADMIT that the Marijuana Plant, Cannabis IS Killing...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 10, 2015

Medical Cannabis Lobby Day- Austin TX, 4/16/2015

#Patients #Caregivers #Advocates #Supporters - #Austin #StateCapitol Next Thursday, April 16th, Medical Cannabis Lobby...
Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 10, 2015

Jesus & Cannabis

To Clarify, I need to post this again: Someone commented "how could I be an advocate for this substance"? He asked "...

Posted by Genesis 1:29 on Friday, April 10, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Breast Cancer Fundraiser for Single Mother, Thursday, April 9th in Bedford, TX

Please Join and Let's Help This Single Mother who is Fighting Cancer! 
Just Terminated From Starbucks During Her Cancer Treatment, She is devastated! 
Trying to recover from Cancer and Now having to worry about How she will take care of Her Bills and Food for Her Family as well as Medical Costs for Her Illness. 
Life has Really dealt her a Lemon! 
Please, Share This Post, it's Happening in 3 Days, on Thursday, April 9th from 7pm-10pm at the Twisted Root.
 Good Food, Good Fun, All for a Great Cause! 
Join us in the Event on Facebook: