Thursday, April 30, 2015

Shout out to All of the Great Testimonies at the Capitol Tuesday, April 28th 2015

Wow, such great testimonies yesterday at our Capitol about the Medical Marijuana Bills. I think Everyone who was listening in Cried. I know I did. Such Heartbreaking Stories from Parents with Children and Adults that are Suffering so badly, taking tons of Prescription medicines and still suffering with Illnesses that are Not any better. Stories of those that have Moved to Legal States and are now Off of All their Prescription Drugs and Thriving with their Illnesses now, What Joy those responses brought. As they came forward and told their stories to the House Committee, I Pray that not a Word fell on Deaf Ears!
Texas, You've Got to Vote on the Side of Compassion and Take Care of Your People! The Children that are OUR Future, the Vets that Stood Up to Protect US, the Citizens who Suffer needlessly with horrible debilitating and Terminal Illnesses, you've got to have Compassion and pass these Bills!
I heard such responses as "but it's not approved by the FDA"....or even silly comments like, just because it worked on "mice" doesn't make it safe for "man".... That's CRAP! Look how many Lawsuits/Deaths came from FDA Approved Drugs, Look at the 24 States that ARE Healing "Real Humans". That's nothing but Uneducated Excuses!! Like I said, so many great testimonies, I Pray that Everyone had Open Ears to really Hear them!

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