Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Join Our Exciting Street Teams!

We are currently looking for Volunteers who want to be Supporters for our Community and Legalization! 

Firstly, We Will Have FUN!  Wear your Tye Dyes, Funky Hats, Funky Sun Shades, etc. 
We will form Street Teams who will be placed at various busy intersections and outside of events and festivals, with our Homemade Posters and Banners saying "Honk for Hemp", "Legalize Texas", "Cannabis Cures", etc.  We will have Flyers to hand out with Information and the History of  Hemp. We will be bringing awareness to the Benefits of Cannabis and Medical Marijuana, Sharing that Education with Our Community Members, Changing Views and Changing Votes! 

Did You Know that Cannabis has 700 Medicinal Uses?  
Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer......Proven! 
Renew Our Resources.....1 Acre of Hemp is Equal to 4 Acres of Trees!    
Hemp has 50,000 Industrial Uses!

In Order for Our State to Change Our Laws, We have to Stand Up and Make a Difference! 
Stop the Negative Propaganda about Marijuana. A Simple Plant that can be Grown in Your Garden, Yet has been Proven to Heal Thousands!  Promote the Education that people need to Make the Right Choice and Choose Life, Choose Cannabis! 

Too Many People, both Children and Adults are Suffering needlessly in our state because not everyone can afford to pick up and move to a State where Medical Marijuana is Legal. We've got to take care of our own!   We've got to Educate Our Community to make that Change! 

If You are in the Odessa, TX area and would like to Get Involved & Get Active, Contact Us! 
Let's get together and Be the Voice, Stand for those who are too Sick to Stand and Speak for Themselves!  It Could be a Loved One or Friend or even Ourselves one day that need this Treatment to Heal.  Let's Make it Happen! 

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